







A preschool teacher once told me that each colour has its own name,

and using lots of colours in early childhood education has a positive effect on vocabulary building for children.

That inspired me to create artworks using same materials in 100 different colours,

including ready-made coloured paper and thread.

I present my exhibition under the title of “Hundred colours have hundred words” is based on the theme of diversity.

The materials have the identical shapes but in different colours, just as everything is similar but everything is different.

Similarly for humans, “Each person has his or her own colour”.



Artist/Pharmacist  SYUTA(三友周太)

Biography :

1967 Bronx NY USA ,

1991 東京薬科大学薬学部卒 薬剤師

2005~ 銀座芸術研究所ディレクター(現ArtLabAkiba)

2005~ 佐藤時啓氏共にサイトシーイングバスカメラプロジェクトに関わる

2017~  武蔵野アール・ブリュット展監修


2001~ ぎゃるりじん(横浜)

2007~ あゆみギャラリー(東京・神楽坂)

2009~ マキイマサルファインアーツ(東京・浅草橋)

2011   ギャラリー COEXIST(東京・秋葉原)

2013   Gallery シャトー2F(東京・武蔵小金井)

2017~ 櫻木画廊(東京・上野)

2020  Gallery Nayuta(東京・銀座)

2022 ギャラリー絵の具箱(東京・吉祥寺)


2007 広島市民芸術祭

2010 音の部屋/ 埼玉近代美術館(北浦和)

2012 Ach So展 FRISE(Hamburg Germany)

2013 The Front (New Orleans USA)

2013 青梅アートプログラム(青梅・東京)

2014 HIMONINGEN 白石踊おどる(岡山)

2015 六島光器制作所(岡山)

2016  Pure Poor and Guilty / LA Artcore Brewery Annex (LA/USA)

2016  南カリフォルニア大学 ISG Gallery (LA/USA)

2016  日伊交流展 (東京/Naples Italy)

2016 Art Hotel Granparadiso (Sorrento Italy)

2017 回遊美術館 (さいたま市)

2017~ 武蔵野アールブリュット展 ディレクター(吉祥寺美術館)

2017 In Taglio/A Cut Above, 国際交流展(Naples Italy/LA USA)

2018 日本-スウェーデン国際交流展 (東京 Stockholm Sweden)

2018~ 足利CON展 栗田美術館(栃木)

2018  Edem Elesh and Syuta Mitomo 2人展(Maratea Italy)

2018  Graffito, School of Graffito (Montemurro Italy)

2019  国際交流展 "Ma-ja" Sa Casa Mallorquina & La rectoria (Mallorca, Spain )

2019 日米交流展 Art Lab Akiba/ Wayfarers (Brooklyn NY, USA)

2019 バレンシアビエンナーレ(Valencia, Spain

2019  日本-台湾交流展(高雄/台湾)

2021  足利アートクロス(栃木  旧今井医院)







2005年からArt Lab AkibaDirectorとして、若手作家の支援と国際交流を中心に、USANew York, Los Angeles, New Orleans,

Italy, Spain, Sweden, Germany, Taiwanなどとの展覧会を企画する。


Artist HP




Artist/Pharmacist  SYUTA 



1967 Born in Bronx NY USA,

1991  Graduate Tokyo College of Pharmacy/ Pharmacist

2005- Director of Art Lab Akiba

2017- Supervisor of Musashino Art Brut Exhibition


Solo Exhibition

2001~ Gallery JIN (Yokohama)

2007~ AYUMI Gallery (Tokyo)


2011   Gallery COEXIST (Tokyo)

2013   Gallery Chatou2F (Tokyo)

2017~ Sakuragi Fine Arts (Tokyo)

2020   Gallery Nayuta (Tokyo)

2022  Gallery Enogubako (Tokyo)


Group Exhibition etc.,

2007 Art festival of Hiroshima Citizen

2010 Sound room/Museum of Modern Art Saitama

2012 Ach So/ FRISE (Hamburg Germany)

2013 The Front (New Orleans USA)

2013 Art Program in OmeTokyo

2014 HIMONINGEN Shiraishi dancing (Okayama)

2015 Mushima Optical cooperation (Okayama)

2016 Pure Poor and Guilty (LA Artcore Brewery Annex USA)

2016 University of South California ISG gallery (LA USA)

2016 Exchange Program Japan and Italy (Tokyo/Naples Italy)

2016 Art Hotel Granparadiso (Sorrento Italy)

2017 Kaiyu Bijutsukan(Saitama)

2017~Director of MUSASHINO ART BRUT exhibition (Tokyo Japan)

2017 In Taglio/A Cut Above, Exchange show (Naples Italy/LA USA)

2018 Exchange Show SWEDEN-JAPAN (Tokyo Japan/ Stockholm, Sweden)

2018~ Group Exhibition at Ashikaga “CON” Kurita Museum (Tochigi Japan)

2018 Contemporary Show, Edem Elesh and Syuta Mitomo (Maratea/Italy)

2018 Graffito, School of Graffito (Montemurro Italy)

2019 Exchange Show Spain-Japan "Ma-ja" Sa Casa Mallorquina & La rectoria (Mallorca, Spain)

2019 Exchange Show Taiwan-Japan(Kaohsiung Taiwan)

2019 Exchange Show Art Lab Akiba/Wayfarers (Brooklyn NY, USA)

2019 Valencia Biennale (Valencia, Spain)

2021 Ashikaga Art Cross (Former Imai Clinic)


SYUTA’s activity for art working as an art director is performed to connect between human relationships via art working, bedsides working for new drug development in the pharmaceutical industry.

His early studies of biochemistry, life sciences and his career as a pharmacist are direct influences of his work as an artist. 

Diversity and the intersection of everyday and extraordinary exist in the basis of production and activity.

He has held workshops for children, the elderly, and people who needs special care, with the theme that art will contribute to society and people. He has been involved in regional revitalization programs, and has made suggestions about the attractiveness of the region and its relationship with people through art.

Since 2005, as the director of Art Lab Akiba, he has organized exhibitions with USA (New York, Los Angeles, New Orleans), Italy, Spain, Sweden, Germany, Taiwan, etc., focusing on support of young artists and international exchange.

Since 2017, he has been involved in general supervision of Musashino Art Brut exhibition, which is a collaborative project with Musashino City.


 Artist HP



SYUTA Exhibition [ hundred colours have hundred words ]

2023. 1.27(Fri)-2.5(Sun)  

会期中無休 Open Everyday