陶芸で作るのはぬいぐるみ形態のドーブツ達とは真逆な性質なのも面白く、12年経った今でもその楽しさは変わらない。また陶芸で立体を作っている内にぬいぐるみの新たな魅力に気づく事もよくある。硬いものと柔らかなもの。心躍る不思議ドーブツ達に会いに来てください。 (ミヤタケイコ)
It has been 12 years since I started visiting the climbing kiln to create my works.
I am sure of the time because the photo images of my work I first took there was a dragon.
Even 12 years later, I still have the same enjoyment that I had at the first encounter.
I often find myself discovering new charms in stuffed soft animals while making ceramic works.
Hard ones and soft ones. I hope you would come and meet my lovely, strange and mysterious creatures.
(Keiko Miyata)
ミヤタケイコ /ヌイグルミ系造形作家
Keiko Miyata / Stuffed-animallike- sculpture creator
Worked as a stuffed animal designer after graduation from the junior college with a major in painting.
Inspired by a certain stage design, she started her career as an artist in 1994.
Since then she has been creating unique, strange animallike sculptures from small to large in size,
as if different sort of animals are mixed in her imagination.
Miyata's animals are imaginary, but she intends to make them look alive.
Through making many attempts she chooses a variety of materials, and lately she often uses wood and ceramic.
Joins many exhibitions in Tokyo and other cities in Japan and overseas.

ミヤタケイコ展「Lucky Charms Returns」
Keiko Miyata Exhibition [Lucky Charms Returns]
2024. 1.13 (Sat) - 1.27(Sat)
12:00 - 19:00 Lastday - 17:00 水曜休廊 Wednesday Closed
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