





(企画 佐藤香織)



KOBO SYU is a place where living is naturally inseparable from creating.  In these remarkable studios

many disable artists are doing their own artistic expression activities. 

As one of its continuous activities, SYU annually picks up twelve artists of the year and creates the original calendar.  

Next years calendar specially features the works of the members who live in the new facilily that opened in April this year.

We present the selected works by 7 artists from SYU to fit the small space of Nayuta at the end of the twelve months.

(Kaori Sato/Gallery Nayuta)



 大澤   Kei Osawa





吉川千晶 Chiaki Yoshikawa




吉田拓実 Takumi Yoshida





工房集セレクション 12のおくりものⅢ」

足立直久 / 大澤 / 片山沙也香 / 田中啓示 / 鶴岡一義 / 吉川千晶 / 吉田拓実

Kobo Syu-Selected Artists’ Exhibition [ “The Twelve Gifts” Calendar] 

Naohisa Adachi / Kei Osawa / Sayaka Katayama / Keisi Tanaka /

Kazuyoshi Tsuruoka / Chiaki Yoshikawa / Takumi Yoshida


20191212()1224() 12001900 

会期中無休/Open Everyday    

